donderdag 12 april 2012

Chuck Missler - THE ANTICHRIST. One of the dominant topics among prophecy buffs is the identity of the coming leader, whom we call 'the Antichrist.' We know from Daniel 9 that he will emerge out of the Roman Empire, which we often presume is Western Europe. Chuck Missler reviews the background of the Coming World Leader (which many call the 'Anti-Christ') and the current arguments concerning his identity. Closer study of Biblical texts suggests that the coming world leader, commonly called the Antichrist, will emerge from the region of the eastern leg of the Roman Empire. It is noteworthy that both Daniel 8 and 11 highlight the final world leader, and include passages involving the sequence of the leaders of the Seleucid Empire: the region now known as Syria and Iraq. The reign of the man often called the 'Antichrist' will not be sudden and obvious - anti-Christian sentiments have been steadily sneaking into Western society for decades while many Christians hardly notice.

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