dinsdag 30 oktober 2012



His name will be Pope Petrus Romanus, and according to the prophecy of St. Malachy, he will be the one to betray the faith.
There will be many false prophets in the last days but one will have incredible power over the world's religious, and especially Christian population. What is written of him is in ..Revelation
13:11 ¶And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.
What the two horns like a lamb means is that he will be a Christian in the eyes of the world. Jesus was our Lamb. Speaking as a dragon means he will be Satan's mouthpiece. The False Prophet will be in the clothes of a Christian, but will bring his followers to Satan. There are a few easy to understand verses in Rev. 13 of what the False Prophet will do. After his reign, he will suffer the same fate Satan will in..
19:20 And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.and...
20:10 And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.

Occult way of life in Assam village

Occult way of life in Assam village:

Award-winning film critic-turned-filmmaker Utpal Borpujari says the myth of Mayong needs to be studied from a scientific point...

zaterdag 27 oktober 2012

Enkele vragen die je als mens hebt.

Wat nu? Wat is je toekomst?

In welke hoek geloof je in?

Ben je een uithoek?

Welke religie houdt je in stand?

Met andere woorden wat is je levensadem?

Wat is je overtuiging?

Waar voert dit jouw naar toe?Waar ben je nu?

Wat is je laatste wens?

Wat is mens zijn en waar komt het gevoel dat je te laat bent?

Alle bovengestelde vragen vraag je je af soms als iets heel ingrijpend je overkomt of dat je zelf iets naars opzoekt

Het allerbelangrijkste is de grond of aarde onder je voeten te blijven voelen.

Verdriet om vele dingen kan je hebben.

Dit kan bijvoorbeeld verdriet om niet gedane zaken of verdriet om een gemis of een mislukking enzovoorts..vul zelf in...

Je kan als je teruggaat naar je kern (je hart)je houvast vinden die je niet in de afgrond laat gaan of die je uit de diepe put haalt.

Je kan beter alle bronnen van geluk voor de geest halen om toch verder door te gaan

Doorgaan doorgaan zonder begin of einde de alfa en omega


Geschreven door Celeste op zaterdag 27 oktober 2012

The legendary German filmmaker Werner Herzog traveled to India in 2002 to make a documentary on Kalachakra, the elaborate ordaining ritual for Tibetan Buddhist monks. Every two or three years, nearly a half million pilgrims travel to witness it at Bodh Gaya, India, where the Buddha sat under a tree and found enlightenment. A sand mandala signifying the wheel of time is meticulously created by monks and is meant to stir the seeds of enlightenment in Buddhists of all stripes.

Wheel of Time



kalachakra, bodi gaya, bihar, india

vrijdag 26 oktober 2012



 Pillars symbolising the Satan are stoned as a mark of the believers' resistance to the devil.

Prince Charles, wife in Bangalore for holistic healing

Prince Charles, wife in Bangalore for holistic healing:

Endorsing Bangalore's credentials as a major global healthcare hub, British royal couple Prince Charles and his wife Camilla,...

Ancient Knowledge


Sacred Knowledge: In Plain Sight (Decoded)


Rustig begin vierdaags offerfeest Syrië

Rustig begin vierdaags offerfeest Syrië - BUITENLAND - PAROOL

sacred knowledge of vibration and the power of human emotions


woensdag 24 oktober 2012


The Lost 40 Days of Jesus


Banned From the Bible



Jesus prophesied, that the Temple in Jerusalem would fall and “that no stone will be left upon one another.” His prediction became historical fact in the year 70 AD, when the Romans legions captured Jerusalem and burned and looted the Holy City. All temple-attributes were brought to Rome and the Temple disappeared from history, never to be rebuild. This is the start of a period of supression and persecution, that ended in the “diaspora”, when they were driven out of Palestine and wandered the world.

Experts say, that the Bible is 30% prophesy! Prophets play an important role in the Old Testament, especially to remind the Jews of their religious practises, when they deviated from the right path. This often happened. People were attracted to an effective and practical deity and the Kaananites and Philistines had a lot to offer. False prophets were stoned in those days, true ones were adored. According to Bible scolars, about 85 to 90% of the prophesies are fulfilled, the other 10% are on the way.

Many prophesies are made about the coming of the Messiah and about thirty were fulfilled in his last days. It was prophesied, that the Messiah would be betrayed by a friend, who received 30 pieces of silver for it. It was also prohesied, that this friend would hang himself. Remarkable details, as was the prophesy in the Old Testament, that Jesus would be born in Bethlemen and ride into Jerusalem on a donkey's back. Does this mean, that the prophesies are true? No, hey can also be made to happen and to made to come true.

Jesus was asked about the sings of the end of days. Jesus answered, that it would be in a time “of war and rumors of war”, earthquakes and famine. Many think, that we are living “in the End of Times” and the last Bible-prohesies are going to be fulfilled. We find them, mainly in “Revalation”, written by John on the island of Patmos, around 100 AD. John wrote his book on devine inspiration and according to “believers” should be taken very seriously. “Revelation” describes the last years of mankind, when devestation after devestation hit mankind, killing sometimes 1/3 of Earth's population.

One prophesy, that surely has come true, is the return of the Jews to the Holy Land and the birth of Israel in 1948. After a period of suppresion, ending in the genocide of WW2, the Jews finally had an independent state. The suffering of the Jews in the period in between, was prophesied as well.

John, who wrote down his hallucinations, due to mushrooms or volcanic gaz, so reaching into another reality. Not all of John's prophesies point on this reality, but to a reality we ignore. This makes us very vulnerable in this apocalyptic days. A prohesy of John is located near the ancient town of Megiddo in the Near-East. Here the final battle between good and evil will take place. Millions of soldiers will gather here, trying to crash the forces of Light. This is the battle of Armageddon, in which Jesus triumphs and a new Jerusalem will appear from the sky. The last probably being an intergalactic spacecraft or so it seems to be.

Remember, prophesies can be made to come true. The players on the geo-political theatre are, like in a game of Risk, positioning their armys in and around Israel. At the moment 40 to 50 different armed forces are active in the region. Syria and Lebanon are in flames and Israel feels threatened. So much, that an air-strike on Iran is possible and according to others propable in the nearby future. The Street of Hormus is a potential hotspot too. And what if a (Iranian) rocket lands on the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem. What will happen then?

History Channel: The Book of Enoch Banned From the Bible


the earth according to Enoch

dinsdag 23 oktober 2012

- Dark Secret World Exposed -

This extraordinary documentary is yet another work of wonder and knowledge filled films directed and produced by Mr. Chris Everard. It goes into great detail about the Ether that surrounds our planet for which the dead souls of once living humans dwell, awaiting to be reincarnated into another living being. Our world is not just a physical realm, but we all live amongst a realm of which that is invisible to the naked human eye, and that is the realm of ghost, spirits, etherical entities, a demonic troubled souls. This is a documentary that is filled with great knowledge about the alternate world we live amongst each and every day.

The Secret of the Archons, 666, Astrology, Demons, and Nature Worship

The Key of Solomon the King teaches the invocation of planetary Angels. The worship of nature and observance of Astrology is to look back and follow the things made on the fifth day. Whereas Man was made on the sixth day to have dominion over the Earth, and should look to God on the seventh day, which is the Future. The Future is Gods resting place for he is beyond time and knows the beginning from the end. The eternal paradigm is whether we worship Creator or Creation. To the ancient Lemurians God was a seven headed serpent, but in the Bible he is a single God who created the world in seven days. He is not the seven days himself, for he created them. Humanity was made to have dominion over the Earth, and over the planets, and the stars, not to be enslaved to the rule of astrology and the influence of nature and it's cycles. Not to be sifted by change and recycled through constant incarnations of life and death. Death was the error of our ways.

maandag 22 oktober 2012


Debunking the opinions of your competitors and opponents is often presented as scientific research. In Biblical archeology and research the competition is fierce and the battleground is limited and big parts of the Holy land are restricted. Archeological diggings are forbidden in and around the socalled “Temple mound” in Jerusalem. It could trigger the next “intifada”. Why? Because on the Templemound stands “the Dome of the Rock”, that was build in the 7th century by the Islamic conquerors of the Holy City. The open structure protects “The Rock”. The place where God created the world, Abraham almost sacrificed his son and from which Mohammed departed for a visit to Heaven. Third holiest place of Islam! Are the Palestinians paranoid? I don't think so. They know, that the Jews want to build a Third Temple. Jerusalem is a hotspot, also for the Muslims. Jerusalem will become the capital of the (soon to come) 12th Imam.

Archeological research and proof is very important for Christians and Jews. Not only to strengthen their faith, but als for (geo-)political reasons. In recent years a number of important archeological finds have been debunked as frauds. A ossuary of Jesus or an inscription, with a reference to “Salomon's Temple”, were carefully manufactured and politically motivated scams, who were often already accepted as important evidence. Sceptics state that there is no such thing as archeological and historical Biblical evidence. They don't form the mainstream and don't get any funding; certainly when they say, that around the year 1200 – 1000 BC, the time of David and the building of the Temple of Salomon, Jerusalem was a tiny village, a couple of acres big, and that there were no signs of palaces and a big Temple (the one the orthodox Jews want to rebuild and the trucks are loaded with trucks, the Temple attributes are ready, Levites trained etc.). If there ever was a Temple, it was not very big, small enough, I think, to find a place on the Mount, next to the Dome.

But there are other ways to descredit you opponents as Biblical fools. And that is by studying the scripture! Many scientists, from all kind of denominations, studied and study the Bible. Some claim, that the Bible is inspired by God and therefore true and should be taken by the letter. The Bible (Old and New Testament)is the only document in that timeframe, with a lot of references to historical figures (Nebudkadnezar, Cyrus the Great and Herod), cities(Babylon, Bethlehem, Damascus) and countries (Rome, Egypt). The 4 gospels describe the birth, life and death of Jesus, the Messiah and son of God. In recent years the number of, unofficial gospels, has exploded, due to “Death Sea scrolls”, the “Nag Hamady-library” and other finds. Next to Mark, Matthew, Luke and John, the gospels of Thomas, Peter, Judas, Simon and Mary Magdalene are available. How the Bible is composed and on which criteria, is still a mystery. The first complete New Testament dates from around 400 AD and was found in a Balkan monastery. The Bible is a product of a society without a printing press. Every gospel had to be copied, by hand. And because scribes or monks are people, they make mistakes (which are being copied etc.)

Bart Ehrman, an American professor, estimates, that, some 6 to 7000 manuscripts, have been discovered. The oldest one dated from the second half of the first century, to the elaborate medieval codexes. Many errors have been found. Many are not substantial, but some are. Mark's gospel f.i. was extended with some twelve lines, at the end of this gospel. Except through copying the Holy Bible, differences are due to translation. The Bible was written in Greek, translated into Latin and finally in all current languages. Indirectly Bart Ehrman proves the superiority of the Torah (Old Testament) over the New Testament. The Torah (as is the Qu'ran) has not changed over the centuries. A select and well-trained group of scribes carefully copied Gods word and there were several tests, to see if there are errors been made. If so, the scroll is burned. This is still common practice among Jews. Compared to this tradition, the New Testament is product of endless copying and translating, which might even have contaminated the message of Jesus.

Dr. Knolh had studied the period of the Roman occupation of Israel. Focussing on Jesus, he concludes, that the Messiah is one of several Jewish rebels, revered by his followers and fighting the Roman occupation. He suggest Jesus to be a copycat, who planned his own execution, to fit historic predesessors, who were supposed to be the expected Messiah.

According to the Jews, Jesus was not the Messiah. They await the real Messiah to come, but they have to rebuild Salomon's Temple first and start the necessary offerings. Knolh is a Jew. He turns Jesus into one of several Jewish rebels.

In a way, it is a battle of ghosts. Jezus was not a historic figure, but a spiritual messenger. The Temple, necessary for the return of the real Jewish Messiah, never existed and functioned as described in the Old Testament. Archeologically, there is no proof of its existence, as there is no evidence of king David and the wise king Salomon.

Voor het eerst indiaan heilig verklaard

Voor het eerst indiaan heilig verklaard - Buitenland - Reformatorisch Dagblad

donderdag 18 oktober 2012


Comparative studies of religion have revealed a striking resemblance, between different mythical and religious movements and their rituals. There were moments of confrontation (the persecution of the early Christians, Crusades, Holy War, Jihad and Intifada) and of assimilation (the Mores in Spain, Alexandria and Ethiopia).

Christianity, being a relatively new religious movement, was influenced by Judaism, but also by “pagan cults”, Hinduism and cults of Egypt.

Comparing Jesus to comparative “Gods”, a striking similarity appears between “the Christ” with the Hindu deity, Lord Krishna and Egyptian Osiris. They are killed and resurrected, said to be of virgin birth and are promising life after death. The cult of Osiris knew baptism with holy water (the Nile) and symbolical consuming the deity, by a ritual of bread and water (beer).

Jesus, according to some researchers, visited India and Nepal. Some point at the “missing years”, the period before Jesus started his teachings. It was possible to travel from Israel to India, by means of the old trading routes. Here he visited Buddhist monasteries and teachers. Filled with that spirit, he returned to Jerusalem and started his teachings. But others believe, that Jesus was not crucified and fled to the East, back to India, to fulfill his live as a Buddhist teacher and that he was buried in Kasjmir. In the centre of Srinagar, you can still visit his tomb. This opinion is backed by the Qu'ran. It was not Jesus who was persecuted and executed, but someone who was made to look like him. Jesus disappeared, because Allah took him to heaven. This is why the muslims believe that the Tomb of Isa (Jesus) in Kasjmir cannot be of the Messiah. Jesus will return, according to Muslim teachings, to destroy the Antichrist, after he will explain to all christians, that he has been wrong all the time. Islam is the superior religion.

During the Roman Empire, untill Constatine the Great, many cults and believe systems were mixed up in Rome. Extremely popular, especially among soldiers, was Mithraism. Originally a Persian deity. Mithras was the destructor of evil (the bull) and a savior God. He was also called “the Lord of Wide Pastures”. Mithras also promised life after death. His birthday is the same as that of Jesus Christ, namely the 25 of december.

If you follow Mithras, it was customary for believers to give presents to your friends and loved ones on that day.

The Hidden Story of Jesus



The Road To Armageddon: A Free Spiritual Guide

The Road to Armageddon examines the universal concept of the Apocalypse on an intensely personal and spiritual level, not as the end of the world but as the end of you: your body, your mind and, if you’re not careful, your soul.
The film puts the viewer on the front lines of the eternal battle between good and evil, combining academic interviews with firsthand accounts of divine revelation to bring fresh urgency to the teachings of the world’s major religions.
Buddhist, Jew, Muslim, Hindi or Christian, the message is the same: spread love, reject hate, walk in the light, avoid the dark, listen to the angels, ignore the demons. The simplest choices you’ll ever make lead to the hardest path you’ll ever walk…


dinsdag 16 oktober 2012


In the beginning (a) God created duality. Before that we existed in different forms, on different planes and on different places in a kind of safe, warm and organic environment; a kind of bubble, so to say. And then (a) God, started dividing thing and making this visible. He divided light and darkness, water and land, plants and beasts and angels and men. He fought a battle with his peers and servants, was victorious and threw the losers out of Heaven, onto the earth. Heaven and earth, heaven and hell. After the eating of a forbidden fruit, Adam and Eve were expelled from Paradise, creating another duality. After this, the real division started, the real“dialectics” began. The division among mankind. The superiority of man over woman and children, a division in priests and commoners, rulers and the ruled, freedom and slavery. And of course: religion! Religion was basic for the superiority rulers (and the ruled) felt and fed the ambition for Empire.

Kain killed Abel and still roams the lands, while Ismael was exiled and Izaak almost got sacrificed by his own father. Things are getting complicated and this led to all kinds of rules, values and laws, based on religion. God disturbed the unity of mankind, by creating different languages for mankind, which led to the fall of Babylon.

Before Genesis is even been written down, our earth sees empires and religions, come and go. God even made it possible to create 4 world religions, out of the same source. The Jews, who restrict themselves to the Torah (the first 5 books, written by Moses and delivered by God on Mount Sinai). The Roman (and several orthodox churches) Catholics uses the Old and the New Testament (mainly the 4 Gospels and Revelation). In the Middle Ages a great schisma led to Protestantism. Finally God did send his archangel Gabriel to Saudi-Arabia to dictate the Qu'ran to Mohammed. And they, and several smaller Christian churches, all think they are right. That's true, they all except the coming of the next intervention by God, the next duality: the Apocalypse and the End of our world.

vrijdag 12 oktober 2012

Sabeel en Kairos: Kerk moet boycot Israël overwegen

Sabeel en Kairos: Kerk moet boycot Israël overwegen - Kerknieuws - Kerk & Religie


Several times, during our European history, the Jewish Talmud has been burned. It happened by orders of the Pope and the Roman Catholic Church in Spain and Italy. It also happened during the Nazi-regime, starting in 1933. And even in our times, this book is called deceptive, evil and even satanic. What is the Talmud and why did the Church, Fascism and National-Socialism, ban and burn this book, as if it is the source of all evil? Can a book have this effect?
The Talmud has. Some explanation: The first five books of the Old Testament are called the “Torah”. They were delivered by God to Moses. This happened at mount Sinai. These 5 books are fundamental to the Jews. And the “Torah” is called an “Ocean of Light” and a simple human being cannot understand and comprehend the real and hidden meanings of it. A Jew needs the “Talmud” to obtain enlightenment, so to say. The book contains the compressed knowledge and wisdom of all the rabbi's, who commented and explained the “Torah”. Being a religious people, Jews start to study the “Talmud” early in life and it never stops. Children are instructed to move their upper body and read the texts out loud.
There are two kinds of Talmud. The “Jerusalem”-edition and the “Babylon-edition”. The Jews felt the Roman repression and decided to write down their oral history. The “Babylon-edition” is dominant and decisive over its counterpart. The rabbi's in Babylon developed certain methods of “questioning”. Discussion and asking questions was a central educational concept. In due course this debate was dominated by logical arguments “ad absurdum”. A Polish rabbi said. “Who had questions, I have so many answers.”
The Jews have a formidable educational system. Learning and further study (religious studies too) are rewarded and stimulated, up until this moment. At this moment a commuter-train to New York is transformed into a “Talmud”-school and young executives spend an hour a day on reading the “Talmud”. The movement and recitation motivates and inspires them, so they say.
Parts of the book are controversial. Bizarre statements about sexuality, adultery and child-marriage are part of the tradition too.
So is the whole concept of the “goj”, the non-Jews. The “Talmud” says that “goj” are inferior to Jews. They should not be treated equal and a statement of a “goj” has no value in a Jewish court. There has to be some serious rethinking done there too.
But don't be surprised to see so many Jewish lawyers, writers, scientists, psychoanalysts and movie producers. They had to study very hard, during their youth and are motivated to succeed.
I just learned about the Talmud recently and was surprised to see its effect as a educational tool. But it is a one-sided tool and worldview. First, this is completely male dominated document. Two thousand years of male chauvinism, written down by rabbi's, who all look, act and think the same. This leads to the same one-sided ness we find in the Catholic Church. You cannot neglect 50% of our human interaction. This leads to conclusions that Mary Magdalen was a whore, active among the carpenters in the Holy Land.
The search for logical explanations eventually leads to rationality and materialism. Both have lead to the “modern scientific method” and because man don't care about the cleaning up afterwards (that's a woman's task), they undertake dangerous experiments, like searching for the "God-particle" at CERN or a “winnable” atomic war in the Middle -East.

The Temple of Solomon Brasil (Holy City Jerusalem Song)


donderdag 11 oktober 2012

Hulp komt uit een onverwachte hoek

God de Vader en de Zoon en de Heilige Geest stuurt zijn gezanten zeer onverwachts op je af.

Je moet biddend wakker zijn en altijd klaar om verantwoording af te leggen

De Heilige Geest of Helper werkt door in je naasten.

Zo verwacht je soms iets niet en je hebt er ook niet voor gebeden.

Je hebt juist gedankt voor je mooie leven en je ontstaan en ineens krijg je bijna op een presenteerblaadje een gouden hand aangereikt.

Soms is het ook een diamanten hand.

Waar heb ik dit aan verdiend, denk je dan.

Je dankt nogmaals en dan zie je in, het is Gods geschenk voor jou.

Je bent blij en dankbaar, maar soms denk je, God, is dit allemaal voor mij alleen.

Je wilt dit delen met anderen en je doet dit door erover te praten.

Soms vraag je je ook af, God, waarom moet ik dit allemaal doorstaan.

Dan krijg je een groot geschenk en dan ben je meer dan blij en toch blijf je simpel en eenvoudig in je hart en je doen en laten.

Dit wil God ook.

Dat je niet naast je schoenen gaat lopen,

Maar beide benen op de grond houdt.

Je bent er het beste mee gebaat door je aardse contact te houden en te danken in je hart.

Dank Vader voor alles wat U ons stuurt

Alles wat ons hart niet doet afwijken van de weg die U voor ieder van ons uitgestippeld hebt.

Dank vader voor ieder morgen middag en avond

Ook dank voor onze nachtrust


Geschreven door Celeste op vrijdag 12 oktober 2012 de eerste nacht van 50 jaar 2de concilie is ingegaan en we leven nog iedere dag met de Vader, Zoon en Heilige Geest.

Director Pierre-Henry Salfati's incisive documentary explores the origins and history of the Talmud, the fundamental text of rabbinic principals and wisdom, regarded as the most influential text on the everyday conduct of Jewish life. Through expert analysis and in-depth interviews, Salfati goes to great lengths to demystify this vast collection of philosophical commentary and debate, which has been called "the hidden face of the Torah."


Nietzsche and Antichrist [1/5] "Falsified Christianity"

Christianity is a religion of the ignoble species of man!? Who is Nietzsche truly? What is the meaning of the phrase "God is dead" and the lies of "Neighborly love"?Who fabricated Christianity? Paul the Apostle was a Jewish secret agent? Who was behind the plot to assassinate Christ? Talk #49 is one of the most spirited talks of Haku Zynkyoku, in which he strikes and completely disintegrates the lies of Christianity which is one of the backbones of the West Culture. 


His arrival will be announced in a period of warfare, uprising and natural disdasters. He will bring world peace and harmony and he will destroy the kafir, the unbelievers and the people of the Book. His coming will mark the beginning of thousand years living according to the rules and under protection of the one true God. Before this earth will be ruled for 7 years by a global dictator. His reeign will end in battle on the fields of the Middle-East.
You think, that I am talking about Jesus? No, I am not, though Jesus is part of the story. This description fits the return of a “Muslim Messiah”, called the Imam Mahdi, the 12th Imam, who was hidden by God and prepared for his return. His headquarters will be in Jerusalem, where he rules over the new “Caliphate”, a period of pure Islamic belief and practice (which ended in the 10th century, when the 12th Imam disappeared).
Millions of Muslims believe that his return is immanent and are preparing themselves for the march to Jerusalem. All willing to sacrifice their lives and become a martyr in the final battle. Islam will obtain world domination and a world wide "sharia" (Islamic law), will be introduced. This “religious ideology” is an immense weapon and but poorly understood by us, Westerners.
Iran is totally committed to his return. Achmadinejad, Iran's prime minister, will not hesitate to hasten the prophecy, by creating chaos in the Middle-East and the Arabic world. Will he hesitate to use an atomic bomb. Iran has the technology, the commitment and the rockets. To create as much chaos as possible, is also a goal of the Al-Qaida members, who also are committed to the 12th “Caliphate”. They are well trained, highly motivated and payed well (so are the families, they left behind during a suicide mission). They are active in the “Arab spring”-uprisings and revolutions in the Muslim world. The Bible speaks of a disastrous and catastrophic period ending in the battle of Armageddon and so does Islamic tradition. Syria and Lebanon are still burning and Israel feels the pressure of these “soldiers of Allah”. In Revelation, In 2012 the fields of Megiddo, according to Napoleon: “the best battlefield” of the world, are encircled by armys, eager to interfere. Different alliances and the role of Russia, make this part of the world a potential warzone. Israel has announced that it will defend itself, while the Muslim Brotherhood announces, that the start of the final jihad is near and millions of soldiers will attack the Holy City.
4 horsemen are announced in Revelation. They will more than decimate the world population, by means of ware fare, pestilence and starvation. One of the horsemen rides a white horse. So does the Imam Mahdi

maandag 8 oktober 2012

Vrouw mens uit mijn rib


God is alles

Alles is 1

Jezus is dit ook

God, de Vader die alles 1 maakt

Jezus Christus is de perfecte mens

Hij is nr. 1 in alles

Vader en Moeder

Echtscheidingen komen uit 1 zijn

Als er geen liefde is gaat men uit elkaar


Geschreven door Celeste op 8 oktober 2012 naar aanleiding van de dienst van afgelopen zondag

Top Ten (Failed) Proofs for God's Existence


Shifting the Burden of Proof – I know God exists. If you disagree, prove otherwise. Oh you say you can’t prove God doesn’t exist? That’s because you know he does!

Argument from Popularity – The vast majority of the world believes in God. This supports the universal truth that God is real, otherwise it makes no sense that so many people would believe.

The Transcendental Argument – God is, by definition, a being greater than which nothing can be conceived (imagined). Existence in reality is better than existence in one’s imagination. God must exist in reality; if God did not, then God would not be that than which nothing greater can be conceived (imagined).
Argument from Coercion – You must believe in God/Jesus. It’s your only hope for salvation. We are all doomed if we don’t accept Jesus as our personal savior. It says so in the Bible. If you want to live forever and avoid suffering, you must accept God.

First Cause Argument – Everything that exists in our world is the result of some sort of “first cause” which brought about its existence. Therefore, there must have been a force which created the universe. That “first cause” is what we call God. Also known as Cosmological Argument.

Argument from Authority – God is real because the Bible (or whatever sacred text you believe in) says so. Why would so many people write so much about God if it wasn’t true?

Argument from Personal Experience – I know god exists because I can feel him. I know it in my heart; he talks to me; I feel his strength and existence flow through every fiber of my being.

Argument from Improbability – The second law of thermodynamics says matter inevitably becomes entropic (spreads out in chaos) and this defies the observation on Earth where we see, things becoming more organized. Therefore God is responsible.

Pascal’s Wager – It is a “safe bet” to believe in God just in case he is real. What’s the harm? If you believe and he doesn’t exist, you don’t lose anything, but if you don’t believe and he does exist, you lose big time.
Argument from Design – If you found a watch on the ground, you never met the watchmaker, but you know from its design, the beauty of it; the way each piece was intricately designed to work together, that this watch had a creator. Theists point to the human body; the precise way each of our organs work with each other and claim it’s the most amazing “creation” of all, and surely there was some sort of creator behind it.

Lopen op water

Door: H. Harssema | maandag 08 oktober 2012 07:59
0 reacties
DS. CAREL TER LINDEN IN DE RIJNKAPELOp donderdag 11 oktober komt ds. Carel ter Linden, bekend als hofpredikant, bij Vrijzinnig Renkum een lezing houden onder de titel "wandelen over het water".
Wie de bijbel openslaat, betreedt een vreemd land. De mensen leven daar nog in een voorbij wereldbeeld, met een onbewegelijke, platte aarde, met daarboven de hemel als een onwrikbaar koepeldak, draagvlak voor enorme watermassa's die daar liggen opgeslagen, bedoeld om van tijd tot tijd de aarde te bevruchten. Daarboven woont God: een personificatie van de hoogste, aan ons bestaan ten grondslag liggende Werkelijkheid.

De Bijbelschrijvers spreken over deze Werkelijkheid onbekommerd in beelden, ontleend aan onze eigen, vertrouwde wereld. Zij spreken als over een “koning” met hemelse boodschappers; als over een “vader” die zijn kinderen “ziet” en “hoort”. Over Jezus van Nazareth, die in de ogen van zijn volgelingen deze God op een unieke wijze heeft belichaamd, vertellen zij dat hij door deze God zelf verwekt was, dat hij over het water liep en, omgebracht vanwege zijn getuigenis, uit de dood opstond. Zijn ook dit beelden?

Maar waar staan deze verhalen dan voor? Hoe “ziet” en “hoort” deze God ons? En wat betekenen de verhalen over Jezus' opstanding? Wat houden we, als wij deze getuigenissen als bééld moeten verstaan, tenslotte in hánden? En welk appèl doen ze vandaag op ons, mensen van een andere cultuur en een andere tijd?

zondag 7 oktober 2012

2012 FIRST CONTACT [Video]

2012 FIRST CONTACT [Video]

Jesus Appears In Sky Above Egypt? [Video]

Jesus Appears In Sky Above Egypt? [Video]


The “kafir”, the disbeliever, cannot see. The true believer can see, and smell and hear a completely different world, opened by Allah and the word of his prophet.
I accept the intention of this statement. I am surrounded by people, who cannot see. They still live in ignorance and bother about small things: celebrities, the lottery or a current sale. By living that way, they surrender themselves completely by people “who see”. I am not talking about psychics, though I accept their approach as a (long) way.
No I am talking about people, who seek business opportunities, who signal trends and anticipate, who see markets, even for art, musicals and ballet. I am talking about the people who oversee things and can manage “the future”, for our basic needs (housing, care, employment, energy). I am talking about the people who oversee our finances and in whose hands we trust our money and savings. Those are people that see.
There is a second way of “seeing”. That is the base of all the religious practices. By study and practice priests and church officials became even better seers and some saw it all. A religious way of seeing sees the world the way it really is. In recent years, this religious outlook became darker. Especially under Christians and Muslims the idea took route, that we are living in the Endtimes. A disaster filled epoch, ending in the return of Jesus Christ or his Muslim counterpart, the Imam Mahdi. The president of Iran, Achmadinejad, spoke in his speech at the United Nations, of the imminent return of the 12th Imam.
We trust the people, that (over)see. We trust our bank director, our lawyer, our teacher, our newspaper and our television.
There is another way of seeing. That is, seeing right through it all, The world we live in,our place and destiny is a deception and we have been lied to by the people that see. Nothing works as it seems and nothing is simple. Start asking questions, when you have educated yourselves. Otherwise they will deceive you again.

donderdag 4 oktober 2012

The Bible's Buried Secrets [ "Did King David's Empire Exist?"



In de laatste nieuwsbrief stond, dat zuster Benedict ernstig ziek was.

Zij is afgelopen vrijdag overleden, heel rustig.

In de bijlage staat een kopie van de rouwkaart.

Wij willen jullie op deze manier persoonlijk op de hoogte stellen.

Benedict heeft als leefgroeplid en mededraagster van Ons Huis zoveel

betekend voor heel veel mensen.

Willen jullie Benedict in gebed gedenken?

The Demonic Documentary: Ghosts and spirits



We live in the “End of Time”, at least that's the way we are programmed. In recent years a wave of global research underlined this. Global warming will lead to rising sea-levels and the West of Holland will have to be abandoned, as are New York and London, because the will be submerged around 2100. The end of the “Oil Area” will hit us soon. “Peak Oil”, the moment from wich on, oil production will decline. War over resources will follow (Libya). The world population will double in 50 to 60 years. Will 14 billion people have enough to eat in 2100. Even now 1 billion people have not enough to eat. Starving to death is a process, you know. We may be hit by solar flares and magnetic storms, that will ruin our modern communication. The Canary Islands will slide into the ocean and this is the source of a giant tsunami, that will destroy the West coast of America, hundrerds of miles inland. Our lives are threatened by pandemics and mass-shootings. Enough to worry about, but this is only the beginning. Let's go into second gear. The destruction of our planet is inevitable! It's part of a cosmic scenario, we have no influence on at all. Fundamental Christians were among the first, who realized that the war between good and evil; between God and Satan, was nearing its end now. The biblical doomsday scenario will be fulfilled in our lifetime. Especially the “Book of Revelation” is used as a guide and timeline of the Apocalypse, the final years before the return of the Christ. Before most of the world population will be reduced by famine, sickness and war. Billions of people will die, when the riders of the Apocalypse roam the world. Are they all guilty? Did they pray to a false God? What kind of mindframe do these people have, when they talk that easy about the suffering of human beings. It's no fun to starve. In that respect, they think the same about us, common folks, as does the Elite or the Nazis. It's time to break the chains and fulfill your potential. Fight for a world, that cares and shares, by sharing and caring.

woensdag 3 oktober 2012

The state of our minds in life affects the nature and quality of our experiences in death and our true essence has never been born and can never die. Accessible and authentic as always Buddhas teaching of 'impermanence' : that all things arise and fade away - that all things are temporary in nature.
Tibetan Book of The Dead - The Great Liberation

The True History Of Atlantis 1


maandag 1 oktober 2012


What if I told you, that shortly before the birth of Jesus, there lived a man, who his disciples called the Messiah, who was killed by the Romans and was raised from death after three days. This makes it plausible that Jesus heard stories about him. But did he willingly choose the path to Golgotha, because he knew, that his death was necessary in a bigger chain of effects? Was his attack on the moneylenders in the Temple not an outburst, but planned? Did Jesus plan his own execution (the gospel of Judas). Prof. Israel Knolh thinks so.
He is an expert on the Messianic and Apocalyptic rebels and preachers, active in the Holy Land, during the Roman occupation.
The historian Josephus (100 AD) gives us more information about this other Messiah, called Simon, the slave, than he does about Jesus. Simon burned down the palace of Herod in Jericho and leads his disciples into battle to crush the Roman Empire. It did not work. Simon was killed and his two thousand surviving followers were crucified. This all took place at the end of the reign of Herod the Great. In the Bible, this same Herod orders all baby's to be killed, when he learns about the birth of “The King of the Jews.” Jesus is born around 10 – 4.
What new evidence brings Knolh? He bases his discovery on a recently discovered stone, on which an ancient Hebrew text was written, in ink. It is called the “Jeselsohn”-stone, after an Jewish collector, or the “Gabriel”- stone. On this is a certain passage, in which Gabriel orders Simon, to rise in three days. But the ink is faded and the letters have almost disappeared. Even with high-tech research, the debate goes on. So far I followed a recent documentary of NGC, called “the first Jesus”.
History is politics. In Israel archeologists often don't search for artifacts, but they want to prove the (historical and religious) legitimacy of the state of Israel. But ancient artifacts can be forged, to fit that goal. Recently an inscription about the Temple of Salomon (the first proof of its existence) proved to be a fraud, as was the ossuary of Jesus. The forgers had gone to extreme detail, to fool the scientists. Skeptics say, that most "Biblical" artifacts are false.
In this case professor Israel Knolh had another goal. He makes Jesus less unique, by putting him in a tradition of Messianic rebels. The “Gabriel”-stone is an obvious fraud and his proof “thin as air”. Knolh has a hidden agenda. He underlines, that the Jews were right. Jesus was not the Messiah, but a wizard and charlatan.