woensdag 30 mei 2012


1. DA VINCIS ARMAGEDDON: http://youtu.be/tknU_geYyWM
2. 2012 EXTINCTION: http://youtu.be/cY0sPiZiZvU
3.. HITLER'S BLOOD OATH: http://youtu.be/AEhfH8fNYT0
4. THE APOCALYPSE CODE: http://youtu.be/AqSvL6VQ2wE
5. THE THIRD ANTICHRIST: http://youtu.be/2twp0GtWyYE
6. SON OF NOSTRADAMUS: http://youtu.be/Wj_lj23u0ow
7. SECRETS OF THE SEVENTH SEAL: http://youtu.be/XL3mkgl_j_k
8. FATIMA'S LOST PROPHESY; http://youtu.be/Txh6QBknUwE
9. SATAN'S ARMY: http://youtu.be/Fh5e0-vWJSs
10. DOOMSDAY  HIEROGLYPHS: http://youtu.be/0QQJ4_3m9J8
11. THE  ARMAGEDDON BATTLEPLAN: http://youtu.be/UKvFCi6hQ0U3
12. THE RAPTURE: http://youtu.be/h1rwykrinUg


zondag 27 mei 2012

World's oldest Christian Bible digitized

World's oldest Christian Bible digitized

July 7, 2009 - The surviving pages of the world's oldest Christian Bible have been reunited - digitally. The early work acknowledged as the Codex Sinaiticus has been housed in four independent places across the entire world for a lot more than 150 years. But commencing Monday, it turned accessible for perusal on the Internet at www.codexsinaiticus.org so scholars and other viewers can get a nearer look at what the British Library phone calls a "special treasure."

"(The book) offers a window into the development of early Christianity and firsthand evidence of how the text of the Bible was transmitted from era to era," said Scot McKendrick, head of Western manuscripts at the British Library.

As it survives today,
Codex Sinaiticus includes just over 400 large leaves of geared up animal skin, each of which steps 15 inches by thirteen.5 inches (380 millimeters by 345 millimeters). It is the oldest book that consists of a total New Testament and is only lacking parts of the Aged Testament and the Apocrypha.

This undated photo made accessible by the
British Library displays a reader analyzing a web page from the earliest surviving Christian Bible. The British Library says the surviving pages of the world's oldest Bible have been reunited _ digitally. The library states the early Christian work acknowledged as the Codex Sinaiticus had been housed in four separate locations across the planet for more than one hundred fifty years.

It became available Monday for perusal on the Website so scholars and other individuals can get a nearer look. The library says the work will permit scholars to more review the "distinctive treasure." The project united companies from Fantastic Britain, Germany, Russia and Egypt. Each and every possessed parts of the 1,600-year-aged manuscript. They worked collectively to publish new research into the background of the Codex and transcribed 650,000 phrases during a four-year interval. (AP Photo/The British Library)

The 4th-century book, written in Greek, has been digitally reunited in a project involving teams from Britain, Germany, Russia and Egypt, which every possessed parts of the 1,600-year-old manuscript.

They labored with each other to publish new research into the history of the Codex and transcribed 650,000 words over a four-year interval.

The Codex was each a key Christian text and "a landmark in the background of the book, as it is arguably the oldest large-sure book to have survived," McKendrick mentioned. ( via
redicecreations.com )

Read more: http://www.disclose.tv/news/Worlds_oldest_Christian_Bible_digitized/58631#ixzz1w8vU28qG

Iran: New Discovery will collapse Christianity

Iran: New Discovery will collapse Christianity

May 24, 2012 - Iran’s Basij Press is claiming that a version of the Gospel of Barnabas, discovered in 2000, will show that Islam is the last and righteous religion and the revelation will lead to the collapse worldwide of Christianity.

Turkey confiscated a leather-bound text, composed on animal hide, in an anti-smuggling operation in 2000. Turkish authorities believe the text could be an authentic version of the Gospel of Barnabas, one of Jesus’ apostles and an affiliate of the apostle Paul.

This version of the Barnabas Gospel was written in the 5th or 6th century and it predicted the coming of the Prophet Mohammad and the religion of Islam, the
Basij Press claims.

The Christian globe, it says, denies the existence of such a gospel.

Even so, religious scholars have stated another version of the Barnabas Gospel, discovered a century ago, was created less than 500 years ago, which would post-date Mohammad. ( via
wnd.com )

Read more: http://www.disclose.tv/news/Iran_New_Discovery_will_collapse_Christianity/85129#ixzz1w8suGE6o

The New Secrets Of The Universe 1/2

The New Secrets Of The Universe 1/2 Video


woensdag 23 mei 2012

"Faith: Pretending to know things you don't know"


Dr. Peter Boghossian's May 6th public lecture.

woensdag 16 mei 2012

JESUS IN SIBERIA. Deep in Siberia's Taiga forest is Vissarion, a cult leader who looks like Jesus and claims to be the voice of God. He's known as "the Teacher" to his 4,000 followers, who initially seem surprisingly normal. Over time, however, their unflinching belief in UFOs and the Earth's imminent demise made this group start to look more and more like some sort of strange cult.

Extra hoge gevoeligheid
HEEMSTEDE - Hoogsensitiviteit, lust of last? Degene die deze eigenschap bezit, ziet het in eerste instantie vaak als last. Maar hoogsensitiviteit kan heel goed ingezet worden als kracht.
Extra hoge gevoeligheid

Daarover gaat de lezing van Carolina Bont. Zij schreef de bestseller 'Hoogsensitiviteit als kracht, werken met je intuïtie'. De directrice van het Centrum voor Effectieve Intuïtie vertelt: "Iemand die meer gevoelig is voor indrukken en prikkels en meer signalen en details merkt, noemen we 'hooggevoelig'. Deze hooggevoeligheid heeft zijn positieve en negatieve kanten. Het kan juist een extra dimensie geven aan je leven."

Vanuit persoonlijke en professionele ervaring reikt Carolina Bont manieren aan om effectiever met emoties, signalen van het lichaam en denken om te gaan.

dinsdag 15 mei 2012

SiTU-Memo 1

The Holy Bible is a fragment of a larger scenario, being part of the manual we need to develop into a new entity and a way to leave this dimension as our habitat and reach for the stars. The universe is our destiny.

The manual is still not complete, seems a chaos and is hidden from us. Therefore we have to rewrite the books and create our own way out. A way out of this world without respect and compassion. A word of greed and not of sharing. This is the world we are going to discover, protect and restore. That is the way, that is the flow. The natural way. dM, SiTU

maandag 14 mei 2012

Autobiography of a Yogi

Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa YoganandaAutobiography of a Yogi is one of the world’s most acclaimed spiritual classics. As the life story of Paramahansa Yogananda — who is often referred to as the Father of Yoga in the West — the book has touched the hearts and minds of millions around the globe. Translated into many languages, it has served as an ambassador for India’s ancient science of Yoga, introducing countless readers to the methods for attaining God-realization that are India’s unique and lasting contribution to world civilization.

In 1999, a Harper Collins panel of distinguished authors and scholars selected Autobiography of a Yogi as one of the “100 Best Spiritual Books of the Century.”

Alive with all the love, warmth, joy, and wisdom that characterize Paramahansa Yogananda, this masterwork of religious literature includes chapters about:

  • the science of Kriya Yoga meditation;
  • the law of miracles;
  • the lives and missions of Mahavatar Babaji, Lahiri Mahasaya, and Swami Sri Yukteswar;
  • Yogananda’s meetings with Mahatma Gandhi, Rabindranath Tagore, Ramana Maharshi, Luther Burbank, Therese Neumann, and other spiritual luminaries of East and West.

Initially published in 1946 to widespread critical acclaim, Autobiography of a Yogi quickly gained recognition as a literary masterpiece as well as a seminal work in the field of Eastern philosophy.

Evidence Of The Spirit

Evidence Of The Spirit Video


Web Of Life - Biodiversity, The Essence Of Life Video

Web Of Life - Biodiversity, The Essence Of Life Video

donderdag 10 mei 2012

THRIVE: What on Earth Will It Take?From the authors: THRIVE is an unconventional documentary that lifts the veil on what’s “really” going on in our world by following the money upstream – uncovering the global consolidation of power in nearly every aspect of our lives.
Weaving together breakthroughs in science, consciousness and activism, THRIVE offers real solutions, empowering us with unprecedented and bold strategies for reclaiming our lives and our future.
From the Odyssey Magazine: THRIVE is more than a documentary relevant to the times. It is more than a well-researched and alarming insight into who really controls how the world works.
It is a recipe and blueprint for how we can, each and every one of us, thrive in the way that the rest of nature does – easily, naturally and with expansive grace. For this last point alone, it is more than worth the time to see.


life is meant to work. dM, SiTU



zondag 6 mei 2012

Trance-Formation [ FULL Documentary ]

Trance-Formation [ FULL Documentary ] Video

Muslim Woman Bridges Faiths to Advance Progressive Goals

Chang W. Lee/The New York Times
Faiza Ali talking to community organizers at Our Lady of Refuge Catholic Church. She builds coalitions of various faiths.
On this blustery morning two weeks ago, Ms. Ali was undergoing one of the first tests of her new job as a community organizer, helping to run a rally in support of proposed legislation encouraging more local investment by banks. And by the time the hundred participants had assembled on the City Hall steps, Ms. Ali, a petite figure in a hijab, was standing beside a Catholic priest, holding the edge of a banner from Brooklyn Congregations United.
A Muslim trained by a Jewish agency to work with a coalition largely composed of Christian churches, Ms. Ali is not just the poster child for monotheism. She forms part of a vanguard of faith-based community organizers who have been selected in part for their religious devotion and then trained to cross denominational lines in pursuit of common cause.

vrijdag 4 mei 2012


Sorry dat ik verstrooid was

Sorry dat ik het niet zag

Sorry dat ik het niet door had

Sorry dat ik het niet opmerkte

Zo kan ik Sorry blijven zeggen

Ik kan ook zeggen ik ben een mens met erfzonde


Ik ben een mens met fouten


Ik ben een mens en niet perfect

Perfect is in mijn ogen Jezus Christus onze Heer

Waarom Hij perfect was is omdat Hij God zijn Zoon is

God de Vader van Jezus Christus onze Heer is onze Schepper

Jezus maakte dat wij ook de kinderen van Zijn Vader werden

Wij werden opgenomen in Zijn lichaam. bloed en familieband

We werden een minuscuul klein deeltje van Jezus Zijn Lichaam

Alleen dat deel dat van ons de mensen erfzonde vrij werd nam God of Jezus tot zich

Daarom staat ook geschreven dat we het een en ander kwijt kunnen raken onderweg naar het Hemelse paradijs.

Dit kan een hand een oog, een oor of iets anders zijn of gewoon zonder botten aankomen.

Al onze botten zullen gebroken worden voordat wij de hemelse woning ingaan om ons vertrek in te nemen en aan te schuiven aan de hemelse maaltijden.

Deze maaltijden zullen ons versterken en wij zullen de gemiste delen van onze lichamen niet missen maar enkel God loven en danken voor onze opneming in Zijn woning


Geschreven door Celeste op donderdag 3 mei 2012.

Godsdienstvrijheid onder druk? Vrijheid, angst en conflict

by martijn on May 3, 2012 ·
Post image for Godsdienstvrijheid onder druk? Vrijheid, angst en conflict
Op vrijdag 1 juni wordt in Amsterdam het symposium Godsdienst onder druk? Vrijheid, angst en conflict gehouden. Nederland kent een traditie van grote godsdienstvrijheid. Toch staan de laatste jaren diverse religieuze verworvenheden ter discussie. In de politiek is de praktijk van rituele slacht onderwerp van debat, maar ook is er regelmatig discussie over de vrijheid van onderwijs (acceptatieplicht), de zondagsrust, het verbod op blasfemie, de tolerantie van ‘weigerambtenaren’ die geen homoseksuelen willen trouwen en het dragen van religieuze kleding en symbolen. In het kader van haar emancipatie-, sociale cohesie- of veiligheidsbeleid lijkt de overheid zich vaker te bemoeien met religieuze groeperingen. Tevens lijken seculiere en orthodox-religieuze bevolkingsgroepen scherper tegenover elkaar te staan. Dit symposium is erop gericht dieper inzicht te krijgen in de veranderende opstelling ten opzichte van religie in Nederland. Staat religie in Nederland inderdaad onder druk? En als dit het geval is, waaraan is dat dan toe te schrijven? Moet de toenemende druk vooral gezien worden als een poging van seculiere krachten om de rechten van seculiere en gelovige burgers gelijk te trekken of is er meer aan de hand en speelt bijvoorbeeld angst voor religie een rol? En zo ja, waar heeft dat dan mee te maken? Met een groeiende onbekendheid met religie, met een sterke behoefte aan culturele homogeniteit in een globaliserende wereld, of spelen andere factoren een rol? Hoe reageren orthodox-religieuze groepen op religiekritiek? En wat zijn de maatschappelijke effecten van de toenemende druk op religie? Spelen verschillen mee tussen ‘oude’ en ‘nieuwe’ religies?