donderdag 23 oktober 2014

 - A 400 Year Old Secret -
Cloaked in secrecy for over 400 years, the State Oracle of Tibet has been a strange and mystical aspect of the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. This ancient spirit, which has inhabited a succession of thirteen human mediums, advises the Dalai Lama.

maandag 6 oktober 2014

SOMEthing to think about
There are a thousand things which prevent a man from awakening, which keep him in the power of his dreams. In order to act consciously with the intention of awakening, it is necessary to know the nature of the forces which keep man in a state of sleep. First of all it must be realized that the sleep in which man exists is not normal but hypnotic sleep. Man is hypnotized and this hypnotic state is continually maintained and strengthened in him. One would think that there are forces for whom it is useful and profitable to keep man in a hypnotic state and prevent him from seeing the truth and understanding his position.”
- G. I. Gurdjieff

donderdag 2 oktober 2014


The Precursors of the Inca

From the ruins of the former settlements of the Inca and Tiahuanaco cultures on Lake Titicaca, the priests worship the Sun God. At dawn, to bring good luck, they burn amulets and llama fetuses, and the smoke rises, carrying the invocation to Viracocha, who created the world from his Island of the Sun. This enigmatic god ordered men to go forth and multiply. He then disappeared into the west, and was never seen again.

zondag 28 september 2014


In het oud-Grieks betekent “eureka” zoveel als “ik heb het gevonden”. De woorden worden toegeschreven aan Archimedes, een inwoner van de Griekse stad Syracuse in Zuid-Italie, Archimedes was een genie.
Niet alleen formuleerde hij natuurkundige wetmatigheden, hij paste ze ook toe.

Syracuse werd in de 2e eeuw AD bedreigd door de Romeinen, die aan hun opmars naar “wereldheerschappij” waren begonnen. Archimedes leverde een belangrijke bijdrage aan de verdediging van de stad. Zijn (futuristische) wapentuig werd gevreesd door de legioenen en de Romeinse marine. Lange tijd wist Syracuse de aanvallers op een afstand te houden, maar het bezweek uiteindelijk onder de druk.

Het verhaal gaat, dat een jonge huursoldaat Archimedes doodde, omdat hij niet reageerde op zijn bevelen, terwijl hij druk bezig was met een mathematisch probleem.

Maar waarom rende Archimedes, jaren daarvoor naakt door de straten van de stad na zijn ontdekking?
 Syracuse was een welvarende stad, gedomineerd door een rijkgeworden elite. Welvaart moest worden getoond. Niet alleen in de publieke gebouwen, de villa's en tempels, maar ook in sieraden en juwelen.

De regent van Syracuse had bij een beroemde goudsmid een sieraad besteld. Toen het werd afgeleverd, bekroop hem een onaangenaam gevoel. Er klopte iets niet en waarschijnlijk had de goudsmid gefraudeerd door het kostbare goud te mengen met het goedkopere zilver.

Maar bewijs dat maar eens. Ook Archimedes kreeg er hoogte van en het verhaal en brak zich er het hoofd over. Door dit probleem op te lossen, zou zijn status stijgen en behaalde hij een wit voetje bij de regenten.

Vandaar dat Archimedes zo uitgelaten was. Toen hij in de badkuip gleed en bemerkte dat het water steeg (evenredig aan zijn volume), zag hij in dat hij het probleem van het dubieuze sieraad had opgelost. Hij had een methode ontdekt om het goudgehalte te bepalen. Niet kort daarna bewees hij dat. Om aan het juiste gewicht te komen, was er meer zilver nodig geweest en daardoor nam het verplaatste volume toe. De goudsmid had gefraudeerd. Archimedes triomfeerde. “Eureka”.


inside secret government warehouses 1/3 Video

Hawking deed zijn uitspraak, terwijl andere wetenschappers zich opmaakten om de grote wijzer van de zogeheten doomsday clock (een symbolische klok die aangeeft hoever de mensheid  van nucleaire vernietiging is verwijderd) dichter bij middernacht te zetten. Het is de vierde keer sinds het einde van de Koude oorlog dat de klok vooruit wordt gezet.


This world is the bottom, some call it Hell. When you dig deeper, you'll open up the bottomless pitt. What comes out of the dark will eat you alive. An ancient horrific entity you don't even see.
To see is the key-word. What do you see and what are you allowed to see. When I say to you, that everything is connected to everything. You nod, without knowing exactly, what it means. Even this world of earth, water, fire and wind; this material world, is constructed of layer upon layer. Everything, big or small has its own history and destiny. Destroying this holistic world, without a purpose, is very bad karma, indeed.
I am connected to you at the moment and vice versa. We share the same tradition, we are committed to the same destiny. This changes the way I talk. Talking to you makes me remember, talking to you makes me see. Atlantis will rise again.

Reincarnation is an aspect of a cycle and due to this fact it differs. In aeons of peace and harmony, retreat and reincarnation are no problem. That changes during times of war, famine and destruction. The reincarnationmodules on the moon start to get overheated and mistakes are made. But this happens all within cycles. At this moment we are nearing the End of the Kali-yuga and a Golden Age will be opened. Better to speak of a Goden Cage, ruled by the Kalki-Maitreya, ready to appear and manifest himself in 2016.

Our society has lost sight on cycles, other dimensions and former lives. It is two-dimensional and it's only function is confusion and distraction. It keeps human beings from developing their posiibilities and talents. Telepathy, teleportation and precognition are still faught over as human attributes. At the same the military, police and intelligence all over the world have their own psi-cops and brainpolice.

Everything connects to everything, this happens in cycles. If you ignote the cycles, disaster follows; if you go with the flow, you will have an easy ride. The Mayans, among others, understood cycles. When you lived a full 52-year cycle, you became an Elder and adviser to the young. They calculated cycles, lasting millions of years! All wit the help of Atlantis of course.

All cycles differ, but they all have one thing in common. They come to an end. A new cycle will start. In the tribulation during a 7 year transition periode wars will break out, foodshortages, economic collapse and so on. At the same time the cosmic wheel of reincarnation will come to a stand-still, before it will slide backwards. But gods, goddesses, demons do exist and they want to be
part of the new cycle too and these demonic spirits long for a body and positions of power.”

zondag 10 augustus 2014

Voorspeld werd:
Nooit meer een koning op de troon
Voorspeld werd: Nooit meer een koning op de troon - Kerknieuws - Kerk & Religie

Voorspeld werd: Nooit meer een koning op de troon -   

The Greatest Truth Never Told

The Greatest Truth Never Told
The Greatest Truth Never Told is a video series that has been 7 years in research and development.
It is centered around the truth that humanity has been enslaved over and over again throughout history.
The Greatest Truth Never Told lays out the case for even the most cynical and indoctrinated individual.
The paradigm which we operate under is mathematically going to end. The end of the world as we know it does not mean it is the end of the world.
The way of life we are currently leading is pulling humanity down and should be shown the door. We cannot change the world to make our self happy or free.
We must change our self to make the world happy and free. The awakening process is a very hard road for those with no guidance. All of the problems we face in the world start and stop within our consciousness.
When you realize that you have this power, nothing can stop this change. Humanity has the ability to truly free themselves once and for all.

The Third Secret Of Fatima and The Great Falling Away
The Third Secret Of Fatima @ The Great Falling Away [Video]

zaterdag 9 augustus 2014

This BLOG  is coming to an end.
If you want to follow the Monkey-Path
switch to

Thank you and see you soon.

Jian, the crazy monk, SiTU

donderdag 7 augustus 2014



The Collective Evolution II:
 The Human Experience
The Collective Evolution II: The Human Experience - Watch Free Documentary Online - The Collective Evolution Team, Sharmini Gana

This is a documentary focused on showing each of the dimensions to the experience we call life. The documentary does this by addressing exactly who we all are, and why we are here. It further delves into each of the key pieces that make up the human puzzle, namely the planet, the body, and the ego. The documentary concludes by addressing the shift in consciousness that has already begun and continues to intensify on the planet. It's intention is to further provide the viewer with the tools and understanding it needs to step out of current limitations and instead experience the infinite potentiality we are all capable of.

Terence McKenna -

Approaching the ESCHATON

Eschatology Listeni/ˌɛskəˈtɒlədʒi/ is a part of theology concerned with what are believed to be the final events of history, or the ultimate destiny of humanity. This concept is commonly referred to as the "end of the world" or "end time".

Most modern eschatology and apocalypticism, both religious and secular, involve the violent disruption or destruction of the world; whereas Christian and Jewish eschatologies view the end times as the consummation or perfection of God's creation of the world. For example, according to ancient Hebrew belief, life takes a linear (and not cyclical) path; the world began with God and is constantly headed toward God’s final goal for creation, which is the world to come.
Eschatologies vary as to their degree of optimism or pessimism about the future. In some eschatologies, conditions are better for some and worse for others, e.g. "heaven and hell".

Islamists destroy 'end-of-the-world' door to ancient Timbuktu mosque

July 3, 2012 - Al Qaida-linked Islamists in Timbuktu broke down the door to a 15th century mosque today that locals believed had to stay shut until the end of the world, defying international calls to halt the destruction of holy sites in the Unesco-listed city.

In a third day of attacks on historic and religious landmarks that Unesco has called “wanton destruction”, the Islamists targeted the ancient Sidi Yahya mosque as they tried to erase traces of what they regard as un-Islamic idolatry.

“In legend, it is said that the main gate of Sidi Yahya mosque will not be opened until the last day (of the world),” Alpha Abdoulahi, the town imam, told Reuters by telephone.