woensdag 29 februari 2012

The Lost Gods: The Maya

The Lost Gods: The Maya - Watch Free Documentary Online - History Channel, Stephen Rooke, Christy Kenneally (presenter)


The Maya believed they owed a blood debt to the Gods - one that could only be repaid through sacrifice.
Deep in the rainforest of Guatemala, host Christy Kenneally explores the massive Mayan city of Tikal. In Mexico, he discovers the secrets of the spectacular temples of Palenque and Chichen Itza. And at the Island of Flores, Guatemala, he reflects on the final stand of the Maya against the invading Spaniards.

dinsdag 28 februari 2012

Hoe machtig is Uw naam

Heer God,

Almachtige Vader

Waardige Vader

Hoe kan ik U benoemen

Mijn schatting naar Uw waardigheid is altijd menselijk

Ondanks het feit dat ik U niet op de juiste wijze inschat

Hebt U mij lief

Omdat ik geschapen ben naar Uw evenbeeld

U maakt alles mogelijk voor ons Uw mensenkinderen

U stuurde zelf Uw enige Zoon voor ons uit

Om de weg naar U te heropenen

Dit betekend dat wij in zijn voetsporen wel bij U kunnen aankomen

Dank Heer Jezus Christus voor alles

Omdat wij gezondigd hebben kunnen we niet zonder te lijden bij Uw woning komen

We gaan allemaal een lijdensweg door de tunnel heen

sommigen van ons komen aan zonder handen, voeten, tanden of 1 van onze ledematen bij U

Maar U te zien en bij U te wonen en aan te sluiten bij Uw hemelse tafel

met uw dorstlessende water en altijd voedende voedsel is reeds een groot recht.

Dit recht heeft Uw Zoon voor ons verworven

Dit is ook voor mensen niet te benoemen

Want wij kunnen als mensen de lessen van Uw Zoon moeilijk op de juiste waarde schatten.

Want zijn goedheid gaat ons begrip ver te boven


Geschreven door Celeste op 28 februari 2012 de verjaardag van zwager Raymundo

Mysteries of the Bible - Love and Sex in the Hebrew Bible -

Mysteries of the Bible - S04E05 Love and Sex in the Hebrew Bible - Watch Free Documentary Online - A&E, Andrew Rothstein

Mysteries of the Bible is a documentary television series that was originally broadcast by A&E from March 25, 1994 until June 13, 1998 and aired reruns until 2002. The series is about biblical mysteries and was produced by FilmRoos. The Discovery Channel and BBC also released a series of the same name in 2003 .

maandag 27 februari 2012

Heaven Earth

Heaven Earth - Watch Free Documentary Online - Rudolf Pinto do Amaral

HEAVEN EARTH explores the practice and commericalization of amazonian ayahuasca-shamanism in Iquitos.
The feature-length documentary film portrays all day activities of Percy - a peruvian healer and another western ayahuasquero, named Ron. Both live near Iquitos and host nightly ayahuasca ceremonies and retreats, mainly for interested westerners.
Participants of ayahuasca ceremonies, tour operators and –guides, as well as western vision seekers reveal episodes of their internal imagery and recount stories about their journeys.

A growing global pop culture - swinging between psychotherapeutical healing procedure and spiritual sell-out.

zondag 26 februari 2012




Een fee is een klein wezen met vleugels die eruit ziet als een persoon, maar beschikt over magie en betovering. Volgens de legende kunnen feeën het weer veranderen, de aspecten van de natuur wijzigen en geven ze magische geschenken zoals intelligentie en overvloed. Ze kunnen ook mensen naar hun eilanden lokken, waar er alleen maar geluk is en niemand ouder of ziek wordt... echter, zodra je naar deze mystieke plaatsen wordt gebracht is er geen weg terug.

Ga mee op een eigenzinnige en boeiende reis door Ierland, Engeland, Schotland en Cape Breton op zoek naar de verbeelding van het kind in een rationele wereld, samen met filmmaker John Walker. Deze unieke blik in het rijk van de fantasie, schetst de populaire fascinatie van elfjes en wordt tot leven gebracht met prachtige cinematografie en een betoverende soundtrack.

The Lost Gospel of Judas

The Lost Gospel of Judas - Watch Free Documentary Online - National Geographic, James Barrat

The discovery of ancient texts such as the Gospel of Judas has sparked renewed interest in many ideas rejected by the early church. This documentary uncovers the truth behind the supposed “secrets” of Gnosticism. Featuring interviews with leading historians and scholars, it examines Gnosticism’s origins, its early influence – and what’s fueling its resurgence today.
What if an ancient gospel was rediscovered that offered a radically different perspective on a man that history has painted as the ultimate villain? What if this account turned Jesus’ betrayal on its head, and in it the villain became a hero?
This documentary provides exclusive access to the documents and evidence that traces the incredible story of what

has happened to the Gospel of Judas since it was found. Combining dramatic recreations and insightful analysis by the world’s foremost experts, they ask and answer the question: Is the Gospel of Judas real?

zaterdag 25 februari 2012

Scientology: Inside the Cult

Scientology: Inside the Cult - Watch Free Documentary Online - Jill Robinson

Eerste vasten weekeinde

Nu is het vastentijd

Dit betekent dat wij een askruisje als symbool dat wij weer tot as keren hebben aangenomen.

Nu gaan we bezinnen over ons leven.

Hoe hebben we geleefd

Wat is goed gedaan

Wat kunnen we anders doen

Wat hebben we verkeerd gedaan

Wat moeten we blijven doen

Wat is ons uiteindelijk doel

Waarom kiezen we hiervoor

Wat is ons alternatief

Wat doen we als dit ook niet gaat of kan

Wat is ons laatste redmiddel

Doen we dit voor onszelf of voor de ander onze naaste

Doen we dit ook voor een vreemde naaste.

Vertrouwen we op het gebed en petities door onze naasten

Doen we ook uiterst voorzichtig

Dan kiezen we de weg die God voor ons heeft uitgestippeld

Proberen Godszoon Jezus als Heil te blijven zien

Zien we ook de pad die hij voor ons wilt.

Zien we ook het nut van zijn leven en lijden weerspiegelt in ons leven

Laten we ook zijn woorden van leven doordringen tot ons hart.

Kiezen we ook voor de Heilige Geest als onze leidsman

Laten we God zijn adem ons leven reinigen en behouden.


Een bezinning geschreven laat in de avonduren op zaterdag 25 februari 2012 door Celeste

Kingdom of the Lost Boy

Kingdom of the Lost Boy - Watch Free Documentary Online - Joanna Lumley (narrator)

In the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, it is believed that several years after the death of select religious leaders their reincarnations can be identified as young children. These young children, or tulkus, are immersed in a rigorous 20-year education that facilitates their spiritual growth and transfers the rich knowledge of their spiritual lineage from generation to generation.
Thus, the story of Gedhun Choekyi Nyima begins long before he was born. His story stretches across the generations to when the lineage of the Panchen Lama was founded.


Professor Robert Winston presents a definitive three-part documentary series on the history of mankind's quest to understand the nature of God. The Story of God is an epic journey across continents, cultures and eras exploring religious beliefs from their earliest incarnations, through the development of today's major world faiths and the status of religious faith in a scientific age.


vrijdag 24 februari 2012

Muhammad: Legacy of a Prophet

Muhammad: Legacy of a Prophet - Watch Free Documentary Online - PBS, Omar AL-Qattan, Michael Schwarz, Kikim Media

This is the story of the man who changed the world in 23 years and continues to influence it today. His father died before he was born, and his mother died when he was only six. Sheltered by a powerful uncle, he made a good start in life, established himself in a profitable business and married well. Then, at the age of 40, he was transformed. A man who could not read or write, he announced that he was the prophet of God. His name was Muhammad, and in the next 23 years he would bring peace to the warring pagan tribes of Arabia and establish the religion of Islam, which today has 1.2 billion followers.

zondag 19 februari 2012

The Collective Evolution II: The Human Experience

The Collective Evolution II: The Human Experience - Watch Free Documentary Online - The Collective Evolution Team, Sharmini Gana

This is a documentary focused on showing each of the dimensions to the experience we call life. The documentary does this by addressing exactly who we all are, and why we are here. It further delves into each of the key pieces that make up the human puzzle, namely the planet, the body, and the ego. The documentary concludes by addressing the shift in consciousness that has already begun and continues to intensify on the planet. It's intention is to further provide the viewer with the tools and understanding it needs to step out of current limitations and instead experience the infinite potentiality we are all capable of.

donderdag 16 februari 2012

DANK, een meditatie van Celeste


Ik dank u vader

Ik wil u ook vragen

Ik kan niet kiezen Vader

Kiest u maar voor mij

Ik wil wel kunnen kiezen maar u weet beter waarvoor

Uw keuze is de enige echte en ware

Het is ook de meest en enigste waardevolle keuze

alle andere keuzes zijn omwegen totdat

wij gereed zijn uw weg te volgen

En uw keuze te aanvaarden om uw weg in te gaan

Er zijn veel wegen die naar Rome leiden

Maar voor ieder van ons hebt u een unieke weg uitgestippeld

Wanneer wij door u de weg hebben gekozen kunnen wij rusten

U verwelkomt ons met een vaderlijke omhelzing

U heeft ons leven gegeven en U bent de enige die ons einde mag bepalen.

Dank nogmaals voor ons begin en einde op deze aardboden Heer.

Leven in Uw huis is het vervolg voor ons

Ons leven en ons huis hier en al het andere laten we achter ons om een stap in uw woning te maken.

Deze woning is rein, perfect en godsvertrouwen in het leven dat wij hier op aarde geleefd hebben.

Heer nogmaals dank ik en alle anderen u voor dit vertrouwen in uw mensenkinderen en met name in de verlossing die uw Heilige Zoon de Heer Jezus Christus ons bracht.



Geschreven door Celeste op woensdagavond 15 februari 2012


Patriarchal consciousness; associated with the left part of the brain and ther right part of the body.


linear time



waking reality


Matriarchal consciousness; associated with the right part of the brain and the left part of the body.


cycles of time



altered states





The Pyramid Code is a documentary series of 5 parts that explores the pyramid fields and ancient temples in Egypt as well as ancient megalithic sites around the world looking for clues to matriarchal consciousness, ancient knowledge and sophisticated technology in a Golden Age. The series is based on the extensive research done in 23 trips to Egypt and 50 other countries around the world by Dr. Carmen Boulter in the Graduate Division of Educational Research at the University of Calgary.

woensdag 15 februari 2012

Esoteric Agenda

Esoteric Agenda - Watch Free Documentary Online - Ben Stewart

The more humanity strays from its’ origin, the more we deny our bond with nature, the farther from perfection we become. We are the only creatures on the planet that use symbols in reference to something else. This documentary shows that we use symbols for absolutely everything the mind can conceive of. There is at least one word or icon or gesture to insinuate everything our five senses can detect and then some. But along with this beautiful gift comes a flaw.
Most people are unwilling to seek and create their own interpretations of these symbols. Instead, they blindly submit to preconceived definitions and connotations given by sources unknown. Because of this, many things have been predetermined in our understanding of life without our knowledge. Words can be perverted and used to manipulate rather than to inform. Symbols can be used to segregate rather than unite. And those given the responsibility and authority to disseminate information to the public possess the ability to do with it as they choose.

The Life and Times of Jesus Christ

The Life and Times of Jesus Christ - Watch Free Documentary Online - Nissim Levy, Ben-Zion Shira, Dror Sabo (director)

A spiritual odyssey to a bygone era, this program chronicles the majestic times of Jesus Christ and traces his footsteps with dramatic recreations and vivid depictions of the period. Bringing to life the atmosphere of this period, THE LIFE AND TIMES OF JESUS CHRIST conveys the true ambiance of the Holy Land at the time - the clothes, the foods, the sounds and visions - and takes the viewer on an audiovisual experience that is a true testament to Christian heritage.

dinsdag 14 februari 2012


Telepathy - Watch Free Documentary Online - National Geographic, Naked Science, Robert Strange


The supposed ability of some individuals to mentally transmit and receive thoughts is examined in this hour.
Unsubstantiated claims are not proof, so several experiments are conducted to put the phenomenon to the test.
This includes exploring the telepathic connection that some twins claim to experience through a series of tests on one twin and recording the other twin’s reaction.
And a Ganzfeld test where a person in one room attempts to transmit mental pictures to another person in a different room.

J. Krishnamurti: The Real Revolution

J. Krishnamurti: The Real Revolution - Watch Free Documentary Online - Richard Moore

This 30-minute documentary is the first from an original series
of eight made for television in 1966.

They were the earliest sound-films of Krishnamurti speaking to audiences.
Jiddu Krishnamurti (Telugu: జిడ్డు కృష్ణ మూర్తి) or J. Krishnamurti (Telugu: జే . కృష్ణ మూర్తి, Tamil: கிருஷ்ணமூர்த்தி), (12 May 1895 – 17 February 1986) was a writer and speaker on philosophical and spiritual issues. His subject matter included psychological revolution, the nature of the mind, meditation, human relationships, and bringing about positive change in society. Maintaining that society is ultimately the product of the interactions of individuals, he held that fundamental societal change can emerge only through freely undertaken radical change in the individual. He constantly stressed the need for a revolution in the psyche of every human being and emphasized that such

maandag 13 februari 2012

Stepping Into The Fire

Stepping Into The Fire - Watch Free Documentary Online - Roberto Velez, Ouroboros (director)

What if the life you lived, the wealth you earned, the possessions you attained, were a deception? What if the answers to all of life's questions were planted deep within the Amazons of Peru?

This story takes you on a journey towards the discovery of life's purpose. Step into the fire and you may just find what you've been searching for all along.

The feature documentary is about various people who need closure and strength in some aspect in their life and the different experiences and reflections of various crew members when taking Ayahuasca and San Pedro in the rainforests of PERU. While under the guide of Chaman Mancoluto, the film also reflects on the current events such as humanities ways of thinking and living, global crisis, the importance of the rainforest to the world, among other.

vrijdag 3 februari 2012



Documentary non-feature film about daily life of a Men’s Monastery in Abkhazia length.
With the blessing of: the Chairman of the Council of the Holy Metropolitanate of Abkhazia Dorofei (Dbar) and the Father Superior of the Monastery of St. Simon the Zealot Hieromonk Andrei (Ampar).
The most important job of a monk or nun is to pray, both privately and communally (as a group or together) by reading the holy Hours, participating in frequent (sometimes daily) Liturgy, and observing all the other services and feasts in the cycle of the Church.