dinsdag 24 juni 2014

Enlightenment almost always comes late in your life. (if it comes at all). That's why there is no time to research it and make it a part of yourself. A spark of it may follow you in your next life. You even may live a spiritual and better life. And then enlightenment strikes, you see the consequences of it and then you die. Maybe a spark of light will follow you in your next life. But what if you die young? The spark is lost, for you, at least. This eternal path of birth and rebirth will drive you crazy in the end. That's exactly what is happening in the world at this moment, It's the end of a big cycle and Brahma is waking up, reluctantly. 
How do I know this? I am the last survivor of a secret genetical experiment. Purpose: to create a human being that can incarnate during his lifetime and thus obtain immortality. If it works? I don't know, this body is not that old even though the experiment started a long time ago.

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